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Herts and Essex Border Ecumenical Area
Methodist, United Reformed Church and Anglican Churches in Partnership
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Our Mission Statement


Our Mission Statement...

This Ecumenical Area is called by God to encourage and inspire its churches and denominations to work together to further the Christian witness in their communities and the wider world.

In fulfilment of the Mission Statement

  • We will support one another in love and fellowship, and provide leadership to enable the churches to use their spiritual, financial and material resources to bear robust Christian witness.
  • Each church has a Mission Plan, specific to their setting and resources, and are actively encouraged to build and nurture links with the communities in which they are set.

Church Mission Statements...

Churches in HAEBEA have created their own unique Mission Statement and Action Plan reflecting their local setting and priories. These are 'living documents' and are reviewed at Church Meetings so that progress can be tracked and plans adjusted.

Your can view our latest Mission Statements and Plans by clicking on the PDF documents.

Get In Touch

St. Andrew's Methodist Church
The Stow, Harlow
CM20 3AF



© 2024 – Herts and Essex Border Ecumenical Area