HAEBC Safeguarding Officer:
Mrs Barbara Daniels
Tel: 07783903003
email: safeguarding.haebc@gmail.com
We value every human being as part of God's creation. Everyone has the right to fair treatment and protection from harm.
Safeguarding Policy Statement
We are committed to:
- The creation of a safe environment and culture where all are welcome and everyone feels able to speak out about safeguarding concerns.
- Pastoral care for victims and survivors of abuse, and other people who have been affected by safeguarding issues.
- A prompt and appropriate response to every safeguarding concern or allegation regardless of status or circumstance.
- Risk assessments and safeguarding measures where individuals may present a risk.
- Pastoral care for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations.
- Safe recruitment of all those who have responsibility for children and adults who may be vulnerable
- The promotion of good safeguarding practice through effective training, guidance, policy and procedures
Safeguarding is Everyone's Responsibility