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Herts and Essex Border Ecumenical Area
Methodist, United Reformed Church and Anglican Churches in Partnership
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HAEBEA Meetings

To ensure good communication and sharing in decission making, HAEBEA has a number of committees and working groups that meet on a regular basis.

All committees feed their information through to the AREA MEETING which has representatives from each member church. Important issues are discussed and voted on at the Area Meeting.

Between Area Meetings, leadership and oversight of HAEBEA policy is exercised collaboratively through regular meetings of the HAEBEA Executive. The Executive Officers attend local Church Councils, Elders meetings, etc, and thus share with the ministers in inspiring the churches to contribute to HAEBEA's overall mission.

  • Staff Meetings: Ministerial team – Meet Monthly
  • HAEBEA Executive: Ministers, Elected Executive Members, Area Treasurer, Meet Quarterly
  • Worship and Training: Ministers, Local Preachers, Worship Leaders – Meet Quarterly
  • Preaching Plan Preparation: Ministers & Facilitator – Meet Quarterly
  • Mission Forum: Open to all – Part of Area Meeting with separate ad-hoc meetings for special events and invited speakers.
  • Manse Committee: Manse Officers – Meet 6 Monthly
  • Property and Finance: Ministers, Church Treasurers and Property Officers – Meet 6 Monthly
  • AREA MEETING: Ministers, Executive & Area Officers and Church Representatives – Meet Quarterly

Get In Touch

St. Andrew's Methodist Church
The Stow, Harlow
CM20 3AF



© 2024 – Herts and Essex Border Ecumenical Area