Minister with Pastoral Charge
Reverend Marcia Tull
Tel:07483 307536
Keeping each other safe
Please do not come to church if you are unwell. Let's continue to keep each other safe.
Sunday Worship at 10.30 am – Also live-streamed on Zoom
- Our weekly worship is 10.30am every Sunday. Holy Communion is celebrated monthly.
- We, as Methodists, enjoy a fairly free and informal approach to worship, but we aim to offer worship that is dignified, and which is characterised by a sense of joy and thankfulness.
- Sometimes, the Minister of the Church or another Minister from our group of churches (the Area, HAEBEA) will lead worship. At other times, a Lay (Local) Preacher will be the leader. Other members of the congregation take part in various ways, and all are encouraged to use their gifts for the glory of God.
- Sometimes we have special services, and these are announced in our weekly notices. We also have worship in which members of the Junior Church and uniformed organisations take part.
Above all, we worship as a family and, since we are God's family, nobody is excluded.
On-line Worship
If you are unable to make it to church, you can join the service via Zoom. Contact us for login details:
OASIS Cafe: Monday to Friday 9am to 2pm
Open in the Church foyer from 9am -2pm each weekdayand serving a variety of drinks, cakes and snacks. Run entirely by volunteers from this Church and other Churches in the town and non Church goers. During opening times the church is open and available for private prayer. After expenses, profits are given to charities.
Email: Oasis –
Additional Contacts
General enquiries – Email:
Coordinator for children and young people – Email:
Room Hire: – Email:
Visit our Facebook Page
About us
Hertford Methodist Church seeks God's transformation of our lives and our community – in Hertford and the wider world – for His greater glory through prayer, care and worship.
- We are a group committed to our Lord Jesus Christ and are seeking to deepen our experience of God through his Holy Spirit. We would be very pleased to have you join us on our Christian pilgrimage; you will be enriched and we shall also be enriched by your presence.
- One of the things we consider important is to let God, through his Spirit, develop the gifts and graces he has given us. We believe that the Church is at its best when all the people share in its life and ministry.
- In our Sunday worship, we offer the totality of our lives; our families; friendships, work, leisure activities, problems, hopes, fears and expectations, to God our Father. Most of all, we give our love in Jesus.
We invite you to join us in what we believe to be "the Journey of a Lifetime".