Herts and Essex Border Ecumenical Area Logo Link
Herts and Essex Border Ecumenical Area
Methodist, United Reformed Church and Anglican Churches in Partnership
hoddesdon 2023revd marcia tullhoddesdon sanctuary

Minister with Pastoral Charge

Reverend Marcia Tull
Tel:07483 307536

Other Contacts

Hall Bookings:hallhire@hoddesdonmethodist.org.uk
Church Number – Tel:01992 845540

Keeping each other safe

Please do not come to church if you are unwell. Let's continue to keep each other safe.

Sunday Worship at 10.30 am

  • Our weekly worship is 10.30 am every Sunday. Holy Communion is celebrated monthly.
  • We, as Methodists, enjoy a fairly free and informal approach to worship, but we aim to offer worship that is dignified and which is characterised by a sense of joy and thankfulness.
  • Sometimes, the Minister of the Church or another Minister from our group of churches (the Area, HAEBEA) will lead worship. At other times, a Lay (Local) Preacher will be the leader. Other members of the congregation take part in various ways and all are encouraged to use their gifts for the glory of God.
  • Sometimes we have special services and these are announced in our weekly notices. We also have worship in which members of the uniformed organisations take part.

On-line Worship

If you are unable to make it to church you can join the congregation at Hertford Methodist Church via Zoom. Log in details are available from: steward@hertfordmethodist.org.uk

hoddesdon wednesday coffee morning 3
easter cross at hoddesdon 2022
hoddesdon mc interior
celebrating 90 years
garden party 07
church 1929a

Get In Touch

St. Andrew's Methodist Church
The Stow, Harlow
CM20 3AF



© 2024 – Herts and Essex Border Ecumenical Area