Reverend Dr Frank Okai-Sam
Tel: 01279 443400
Above all, we worship as a family and, since we are God's family, nobody is excluded.
If you are unable to make it to church you can join the service via Zoom.
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We are a welcoming, friendly church family, worshipping God and sharing the good news of his love for all. We worship, pray and learn together about following Jesus Christ. We also meet for fellowship, fun and helping the local community.
St Andrew's Methodist Church is situated at The Stow and is opposite the Nuffield House Health Centre. The church is on the corner at the junction with Howard Way.
The Methodist congregation that now calls itself 'St Andrew's' started in 1952 with the arrival of its first minister, Rev Eryl Hughes. The church hadn't been built, so the services took place in the Moot House at The Stow. Harlow New Town had a growing population and soon the congregation had grown to over thirty full members. It was then that the construction of the present buildings was started. The Foundation Stone was laid on 27 June 1953 and the Grand Opening was on 30 October 1954. As a building, St Andrew's hasn't changed much in its 60-year history. The buildings you see above were Phase I of the project. Phase II was never implemented and a block of flats (St Andrew's House) now stands on the land on which Phase II might have stood. Finding our facilities too small to meet the demands of the twenty-first century, we were able to begin building work in 2008, starting with the demolishing of the original hall, and had the improvements finished in 2009. We now have a hall nearly double the former size, and the enlarged kitchen is much more functional.
HAEBC Office
St. Andrew's Methodist Church
The Stow, Harlow
CM20 3AF