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Chalking the Doorway – A New Year Tradition

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chalking the door

The practice of writing on doorways has a long history. Back in Deuteronomy 6:9, (just after the Ten Commandments), Moses used it to help the Israelites remember. It also brought to mind the Passover, when the blood of the lamb was splashed on the doorposts as a sign that all inside were under God's protection.

In Christian tradition, there is a custom of blessing homes on the Feast of the Epiphany (6 January) when the family gather to ask God's blessing on their home and family life

So here's a lovely traditional practice to mark our homes as places of God's blessing and presence – chalking your doorway with symbols that remind us of God's guidance and provision. After the year that has gone, I like the idea of being reminded of God's care every time I walk through my front door.

It is simple, quick, great for all ages and traditions, and very Covid-safe. (One day we won't have to say that.) Yet it is also a profound ritual, which can help many whose homes have been places of confinement, stress, loss or anxiety in 2020. It can help us to look to the new year with God's presence, resting in his care.

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HAEBC Office
St. Andrew's Methodist Church
The Stow, Harlow
CM20 3AF



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