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Herts and Essex Border Circuit

The Hoddesdon Cross

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As you know, our churches are currently closed, but that didn't stop Revd Debbie Hodgson putting up splendid Cross in her front garden of the Hoddesdon Manse on Good Friday and then decorating it for Easter Day with the able help of husband Edwin.

Revd Debbie, tells the story that the removal men were a bit puzzled as to why she wanted to bring "two old tree trunks" with her when she moved to Hoddesdon... we are rather glad she did, as we think the Hoddesdon Cross looks really fantastic and is a great way to witness to the saving power of the Cross.

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

Get In Touch

HAEBC Office
St. Andrew's Methodist Church
The Stow, Harlow
CM20 3AF



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