We are all aware of how the current covd-19, coronavirus, pandemic is so severely affecting not just our nation but our world. We are also aware that whilst it does not discriminate between rich or poor, the poorest in our societies will be at greatest risk simply because they are poor. These are also often the peoples who are unable to speak out for themselves to ask for the help they need, and often the more invisible to us all, yet their need is great.
Having visited on a number of occasions now the work that McCabe Educational Trust Charity supports in Bethany and Bethlehem (they also support other projects, including a Boys Home in India) I was restless as to how I might help. I knew that with their many pilgrimages postponed or cancelled, especially Oberammergau trips this year, it would have a serious detrimental impact on the Trust's income and their ability to continue to support such important work.
As Christians we recognise the rainbow as the sign of God's hope and promise Rainbows too have been appearing all over our country, and the wider world, sharing our thoughts of thanks too to so many who putting their lives on the line to bring hope and security to others during this time.
So, laying awake in the early hours last week I came up with the idea of my own 'rainbow hair challenge'. I would add different colour to my hair for every £100 raised for the work of McCabe. A rainbow has 7 colours in it so felt £700 would be a good target (I'm not someone who would normally 'jazz up' my hair in this way). 'A £100 a week, a colour a week, seemed a manageable ask.
To my surprise, and delight for those who will be helped through this fundraising, within 3 days of setting up the page over £600 had been raised, and therefore 6 colours added to my hair.
What will I do if it surpasses £700? I will continue to add colours for every further £100 until either I run out of colours to find, or I have no space in my hair.
When the man who wanted to justify himself before Jesus asked him, 'Who then is my neighbour?', Jesus story of the Good Samaritan made it clear that it is anyone in need.
HAEBC Office
St. Andrew's Methodist Church
The Stow, Harlow
CM20 3AF